**funny melody**

a day till my old wing shattered and replace by a pair of new one...
i'm having so many flashback i had since my primary school come to today...
how many changes i have made through these many years...
it's like fruited..it's here...22 years in exchange a new pair of permanent wings for you to fly till the very end of your journey...until you reach the other side...

people will say it's just a job...what is the big deal that you have to make it so emotional...

maybe i should put it this way...maybe you have been the same person holding same identity since you are 5 years old...till you are 22...what you have been doing is under your parents wing protection and guidance...now you are set free...to the world, can you fly? can you survive?

not only what you used to be and what you used to have is change but entirely~your journey would never be the same...
look beside you, is the one you see days to days still fighting with you all along your way?
people that you will face today is gone by tomorrow...

ID INDUSTRIES the name i found old time is the place where i will start my first step~
and i love it~i love what will come into my life...i know that i will love it...
suddenly~ i fall in love with my own god~maybe my Christian friends make me sees that God play an important row in your life...whatever choices you made, HE provided the choices...

only US the people who will be running his order making decision of what and who we want to be...

i'm gifted in drawing skills and capability to dance and act...
but where do i choose to go~
i choose to do something to return this favor to him by designing a better future for earth and mankind~
what i plan to do...what i want to do...
this step is like the little beginning of my whole life, but this makes me at least a step closer to what i want to do~

my heart is pounding in great speed due to anxiousness and excitement~

this is so funny~a funny melody that will accompany me till the day i step back into the office~

today is a small gathering for ManYee, claiRE, YaoyaO, YeOwLoonG, SteVen and I at 1utama SushiZanMai...
the gathering is small but warm enough to make everybody sweat~hahaha~
we had great chat...laughter...dinner...

bought a funny notebook with funny title on it~i'm a title guy am i? ahaha~can't deny~
cause it's true~hahaha~

the title is in mandarin "玉女心经" means the "Virgin Chants"
but personally i don't believe people will believe that i'm virgin~SO i change a bit~
i'm more like "欲"女心经
hahaha which means "hornyBitch Chants" hahahahaha

what the hell~yeap i'm all about crazy and irrational~well i will always be me~
suck it UP!

anyway~bought a present as a replacement gift for dear manYEE hope she will like it~
love you sis~

after that we went home~
but Claire wind up saying that she wants to get some magazine from DEAR MPH~
so me and yao accompanied her all along and then~we decide to leave~
we walked into car park with a shocking realization that Claire's Clam-Mobile is sengit-ed~
with a sharp eye of mine~i spotted the flat tire~

woman thanks to your husband and your Goddess here~ME~for saving your butt~
and thanks tingFung for teaching us how to change a flat tire~yo~muack~
1st time in my life i dirtied my hand over a tire~seriously Claire i will never do that~for anyone Maybe even myself~LOLz

but now i learned any shits happen i guess i will know what to do~de~


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