
Showing posts from October, 2013


i draw myself an imaginary lover to get me through those lonely nights... i draw myself too many happiness to cover up all my loneliness... i draw myself hope that turns into disappointment... i draw myself a painting that appears to be colorful to the rest but its only black and white in my eyes... i draw myself a heart and in myself it cracks like almost to shattered pieces and i stick it back together so i can paint the cracked heart with  beautiful emulsion to cover the truth... tonight i draw my memories out through these songs... NICOLE'S BABY LOVE GWEN'S 4 IN THE MORNING FERGIE'S BIG GIRL DON'T CRY JOLIN'S NOT FOR SALE AYUMI'S WALKING PROUD hopefully one of these song can recall your deepest memory in your head~and your heart


the sparkle of lights is like stars above the sky, it will off a day and out of no where it'll spark so bright and outshine whatever you are going through... the colors will never fade if you have a bunch of friends where you can be so true with... the beautiful moment...


为何分开后,想起吵架的时候,心里觉得是甜的。 为何要怨恨过后不是愤怒?而是原谅?自己也觉得无可理喻。 你说过相信你的话语、一切都是美丽而真实的,为何我们却错得如此离谱? 一切的回忆为何离开了又回来了, 正当我放下时,却发现我并没有放下,一路以来都握着掌心里。 你的笑容,你的嘴唇为何现在要吻着我? 如今我回想快乐的时光,为何是如此苦涩? 还让我哭得无法自我,我の泪水为何像绝了缇?我无法面对镜子前泪流满脸的自己。 我选择离开的哪刻,我多么坚定。 现在是什么感染了自己的坚强,最后变的软弱! 经过我们去过的地方,我会毫不留情的往前走去, 为何现在又不舍得离去的望着这里我们最后交集的地点。 开心的苦涩,伤心的甜味 不胜唏嘘的璀璨,这却成了我俩的永远 依然憧憬的爱情,我不敢靠近,连拥有我也不想, 因为一旦认真的话,所有的美好都将会因现实的渲染, 原本梦幻的美丽,最后变成了遗憾。 修饰过的美梦,多么窝心, 事到如今,再如何左右自己的内心,事实还是躲不过。 将会时过境迁的岁月,到时一定可以再一次 勇敢的爱上另一个人。