**say something**

kinda had a very bad month here...
season of emotional roller coaster caught up with me...
that i have to suffer unstable emotional up down...

no one can actually drag my emotional up down that much...
not other than him...who is always the biggest influence of my life...
i'm just asking too much...or i just expect the wrong things from him?
but no matter how...i dont have the heart to give up on him~even
people says that i shall move on...go on...and on...
but i still love him and have hopes on him..
but then i still feel that im the only one who is doing things...
that he just rest~
though he did prove me something...
but after proving then something is lost...
something is missing... not in place~

i really love him...even though we are in 2 different world~
still i believe we can walk over this crisis~
just that by the time this storm is over...
one of us might be gone~
me or him?
i guess it's him that walk away bah~

cause all along i only know when i stop...i stop for quite some times...
before i can walk on again...

he is going underneath a though time...
money crisis...
and i blame myself for not being helpful...
he support me when i cant support myself...
and when he is in problem...
he just too stubborn to accept my help...
both of our relationship~
as well come to a text..
happened at a very wrong timing...

all i want is the storm to over...
because loving him makes my world perfect...


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