**aLmost 1 Years Old**
**aLmost 1 Years Old** I still remember wat happen for the very 1st day of my college life 1 year ago~ i woke up 630 in de morning... jus to take trains n even hv to switch train... passin ovr 20 of staion... 4 de very 1st sem, it was like a cherry on top of my life~ 4 de 2nd sem slowly y senior is driving, sumtime take trains at least better then sem 1~ de 3rd sem...i'm driving to college evryday cuz the time table always half day~oni~ kush kush.... from here i would like to say: CLAIRE u are my another best friend where i can share my problem with~ u are a very great "PUMPKIN"^^,knowing u really make life filled with colours...u are a very frendly girlFRENd(normal mode) tat i always like to sam pating vt^^sampating vt u really slow down my high tension nerves thank you appears in my life for this very short 1 years time~CLAIRE i really love you^^my best SiSter^^ THINGY u are a very good "PRETENDER"...haha ever since sem1 u said tat, that word starts to hunting...