**my glorY**

From 80 Ovr kg to 59kg...
From 40 inches of waiste to 28 inches...
From ballon to slim...
Its like walking on The Great Wall of China...
Long, hard and painful...
Not easy at all...
Even now, many people say that i won this war...
But I can't let myself relax for 1 bit...because i'm worry that 1 day i might fall back to where i started...

Even i won...i declaire "I'M THE WINNER"
but something still missing~
that makes me fell strange...
what i need to do?
what i'm doing is it the right thing?
Am i need to do extra things for extra requirement?
To bargain? To treat?

Today, i saw my admire 1, like old times happy n acting like "ki siao" ah????^^
he was sitting infront of me...after a malay girl...la~
he wore white...but he din "jell" his hair...stil natural enough bah~(me likey)^^
during today's malaysian studies...
mr mahdi hahaha the way he perform really syok~
he is cool though...

Today, Claire walk pass her admire C... also oh^^

Me n Lyd ask: what do you feel?

Claire says: ***whinning***

She aint feeling well today, but she still able to push through the class (even wait for her boyboy) to come out also neh~
Claire isn't he wore that shirt last wednesday???

Today, Lydia's boyboy stand up for the class again (NO OTHER CHOICE LA SINCE HE IS THE TALLEST WERT~as if...pretend pretend)hahaha kidding luo~
to help mahdi turn on the projecter...
Lyd saw his UnderWear and start getting high...wakaka~
that lady is Horrible, Terrible and VEgetable~

anyway...ME, CLAIRE, LYDIA can no longer hate malaysian studies luo^^


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