**a funny DAY**

2day i'm kinda happy though...
i got a NEW phone its a 3G phone...technically..its from my uncle though..
although this 1 isnt really what i want..my dream phone is actually NoKiA N90...
BUT i'm really satisfy edi lah...


i'm stayin ovr nite in hostel...
i just help ming yap do facial...treatment...
as we all can see tat dude hv serious problem...
blackhead problem yoh~pimples....eeww.eeeww...grooose.......
n guess wat he scream like a girl...bcuz of pain...

n the most funny thing happen....durin this evening...
me,wilson,wan hui n ming yap was playing at the back(outside)...
we kick bottle...
i gv tat bottle a kick then FUNNY thing happened...
my shoes...slip out of my leg...my shoes "flew"... out from 3rd floor 2 2nd floor...
i was like soh zuo...stuck there edi...
n then i laugh untill numb...
n the whole class rush out n c...
ming yap... he was surprise tat i can kick the bottle untill it flies...cuz he couldnt do it...
so he went n seek 4 the bottle but cant... then wan hui say :" shoe...."
then ming yap spot my shoes n we laugh like shit bah...
then my hero came...wilson sv my shoes....wakaka
from now on no more football 4 me...


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