**SEM-BreAk begin...s***

oh my god...OH MY GOD...tuhanku...TUHANKU...wo de tian...WO DE TIAN...
yesterday 24th of JULY...FCA19 students...JASON,JACKSON,CLAIRE,ALEX, HOOI SHAN,MING YAP,LYDIA,RAYMOND,WILSON,CHEONG HOON, EMILY, TING FUNG,WEI THING AND MEI LING...we paid a visit to Genting Highland... 2gether its a 1 day trip...the time is short but we din waste even 1 second n even 1 sen of our money T_T...we made a good use of time n MAXIMUM use of our monEY...well let me tell u OUR whole day activities that we been through yesterday....


most of us went back 2 college 2 set up the werk cuz its assement day...supposin me hv 2 wake up around 730am but unFoutunaTely i woke up round 8sth SNap...i'm startin 2 shrik like a little girl run in n out of my room...n take off from my hs round 815am but...BAD things happen...i 4got the boxes that i made n borrowed to college (#Argh....................aH........................) i din realize untill i step in2 the studio n looked at the boxes on CLaire's n Wan hui's TabLe...i fainted(in my mind)...Claire is goin 2 tare me in2 pieces....(she din lah but cursed me instead....)w.t.......???in Short..
after all de werk settle we all gather at canteen...n claire n lydia walked in vt a brand new hairstyle...both of them is the hottty in FCA19now... honest la...Claire now look much feminine then usual...Lyd's colour help her 2 embossed the felling of independent n proud(not lan ci lah) that she has all along...^^after that we gather around n took taxi to tmn Bahagia Train stations.... by taking train 2 KL Central....sad things happen Cheong Hoon lost his hp in the taxi...we help him 2 called to LPKP to serach 4 the driver...we gave the operator the plat number n she checked 4 us tat the taxi belongs to XXXshine Company...so we called 2 the company and asked...Finally we get the number n called 2 the taxi driver...bUt he denied tat he actually did tat n he even saids tat he's not a taxi driver...wtf...
anyway we decide 2 make a police report....on the way to KL central john "demonstrate us the 'gang guan wu' " dancin with a pillar...we laugh untill like hell...
hhahahah...talk bout major small ...we met the guy we usually saw in bandar utam tat keeps on askin 4 donation so called support the unwanted children(4got the words edi) we bought 2 times edi n this i don gv a damn... X_X after tat we waitin 4 alex they all n we bought ticket 2 genting after tat some of us depart at 1 n some of us depart at 130pm(konon)me,ming yap,claire,alex,jackson,lydia n jason r on the 130pm bus...shit him the manager came 2 us n say tat the driver is havin lunch n might be late 4 5 minutes...ok acceptable.....we wait n wait n the heat of the environment is up goin Claire is totally piss of n startin 2 curse all de way...untill 140pm the manager came 2 us said tat the driver went to clinic (WAHSAI <:"}{][';/.,)but">!@#$%^&*)&(?><:"}{][';/.,)but even so we Ss quite a few pic there...lastly 150pm we took another bus up 2 genting instead of takin tat 1 (heng) n depart...me n ming yap sat 2ghether,lex vt claire,jsaon vt lyd n jack jack sittin alone U_U but he wanted 2 sleep cuz he din sleep 4 2 day jus 2 fin the werk...poor kids...


WE arrived round 3pm n its quiet cold ming yap is shivering n so am i...then we called ting fung n asked where they are...so we found them n most of them went 2 theme park oni me,claire,lydia,alex n jason stay inside 1st world...we went 2 Ripley's n oso Snowworld...tell u tat i am havin fun...fun tat u cant buy vt money...we r havin fun fun fun fun fun...we learnt alot of thing in ripley's...snow world we r throng ice to each other suddenly i hv a felling like turning bac in2 liitle kids...n we even threw ice at the window 2 prank the people which r lookng in from outsied (SAKAI) "yes we are" hahahahahaha we took pictures n its vt me...will show u guys later....we spend 2 hours in ripley exactly bcuz there are 2 many thing to c inside...^^ snow world we spend hmmm 40minutes i think cuz u wont be able to stand longer than 1 hour haha we evn play ice n fire...n bcuz there r a few blossom tree inside me n lydia starrin a cantonese dram haha actin inside haha...we hv a lotof wonderful moment inside there...almost 630 we went outside to Ss...n went to the balcony claire show us.
we scream n yelled ovr there haha this is crazy more then crazy...^^Soon we meet up vt the others n Ss again n we went off round 8pm


when we reach 2 KL central its almost 9sth ...we bought tickets n wait 4 the LRT but there is another technical problem shows out again...-_-"delay delay we wait 4 3 rounds then ours turn within tat time John actually shows us some taekwando moves n we even say sth DOn Step ovr the yellow line n so on n we laugh like no 2molo houhou...2nd round wei thing n joseph went in2 the lrt lydia n jason hold the door n ask them comes out n takin the nex train instad bcuz its edi pack untill like tuna~_~" ooo........suddenly a malay guys pop up from no where n startin 2 shoot us vt malay words..."kamu mau pergi ke balai polis huhz?tak nampak ia sudah ada masalh...Blah blah blah..." amboi encik u tak pernah nampak ke masa pagi...beratus-ratus org jugak berbuat demikian...kenapa u tak tengking mereka semua...marah kami pula u naik gila ke kerana awak punya isteri sumbat nasi pulut dekat u punya dubur sampai kekurangan oksigen???come on if u bring us to balai polis u actually tell them this:

Stupid guy:"bang,mereka budak ni buat kesalahan tau...!!"
POliCe: "apa kesalahan mereka?"
all police n the other people all faited n fall from the chair even the crime which lock inside the locker also fainted even muntah darah!!

come on man,make sense can ah???
ish...............omg.....plz GOD gv him some wisdom so he wont act like SOh ZaI anymore...
at last we get on another train when the door is open i saw a hot guy inside which is pretty handsome n cute...WoW....so jealous....lydia.hooi shan also saw him n startin 2 NAIK miaNG...we talk bout this scene n we all laughimg at it....i cant remeber sth jason says...but its reli funny...houhou.....................
we reach kelana jaya round 10pm n hv dinner 2gether at Retaurant Talipon we ate BBQ...long time nvr eat moreovr tat is the 1 st time i eat so late...Supper after last 2 years....anyway i'm havin alot of fun with my new friends....claire was so worry cuz her whole family is after her poor claire this is wat use 2 happened on me~haihz...
we took the food like no 2molo haha especially hooi shan a plate n a plate n a plate haha...
thank GOd we can actually finish it^^if not RM5 per 100grm...0o0....we finished our supper round 1130pm n we all full like hell...Claire n lyDia left early gals c u nex sem^^muacks...haha

then i fetch ting fung,emily n mei ling back 2 center point 2 get there cars 2 fetch the rest of them..........n tats the end of my 1st day in my holiday....


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