***loNELy nigHTS***

afteR long time...i'Ve beeN waItiNG 4 Some1 2 light Up mY worlD........
but SadlY it alWays tUrns Up "RaiNY DaY"........
someTimes is fell like My lifes can'T live wiTHOut sad...
oR sad ALways be My lifE.........i havE friendS...a lot lot lot Of fRienDS uncounTAble...Reli...
but waT i want is AnoTHER lovE more IntiMAcy i presume...
i'm nOt grEEDy jus somE1 alkways Be there 4 ME ...only ME...not others~~
i'm willing 2 do So...
why my wish CAnt come True how many times...i've been wishing saME things all de timE...
but no 1 knowS...
keep on lookinG at others some of THem don hv eVen once...
at leASt...
better thEn notHIng....
i adMIT.....
but tat doesnt mean i hv 2 share the same fate likE them...
i'm jus lookinG , DreAmiNG 4 some1 4 me 2 lEAn on...missiNG...huG...kissiN...
perhapS i jus THE perSon who DEstiny 2 live my lifes...
in My dreamS?.................


theclaireychan said…
ohhhh maaaan.. ray ray ray.. apasal macam tu????
love love love... tat's all u think about!!! haihhhhhhh.. baru 18 oni laaaaa... STILL YOUNG.. enjoy life SINGLE.. no commitment YET.. not happy meh?

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