
Showing posts from May, 2006

**is IT?**edge

Hv u reach the edges before? where else its reli high~deen canyon tat u cant even c the bottom of it~it's DARK~ dark even light cant shinning to~the light of sun cant even get to~ I WONDER.... wat will we hv there? i try...i yelled~" HeLLo~~" no answer but sound of wind~ i retreat from the edge~ i turn my back as i can c WAT will happen on me~ hopeLess~enD~ a forbidden land~ like deep in 2 my hearts core~ can u see a thing?

**wat a DAYZ**

this is De CONSEQUENCES of stepin on Our tails ~~~look wat happen 2 Lex say no eviL by Me;hear no evil by lYd;see no evil(as if)by leX;sMells no evil by Clair conclusion: honestly i nvr thought tat FCA19 CAN be tat wat u call tat uhuh~ team werk...we unite as 1~i thought oni my secondary skols time 5K1 will hv tat kind of motivation n spirits~bcuz we knew each other 4 a long time~but now FCA19 is my new HOme BUT 5K1 will still my everlasting homE i miss them ..... my friend~take care

**lonely n cold**

my werk r almost done~90% complete...somehow some werk might hv mistakes but yet i try 2 correct em' if cant i cant do a thing ~kinda tired not oni physically n yet mentally~izit bcuz of his or tat?this question keep on popin out of my mind~not dayz yet nite~but always like tat cuz every1 was like hvin a lot of time 2 think not like day time pack vt works~i wanna be myself suit myself 2 de 1 tat willin 2 accept who i am~not me 2 change myself 2 fit in ppl taste bud~n yet sorry CLAIRE~ BOUT THose rumours~but guys its true me n claire cannot become couple cuz we aont each other cup of tea~she aint my cherry pie(why cherry pie?)>>>cuz i like cherry~haha n i aint her flavour of ice-cream(why ice-creram?)....cant u c her blog add?houhou anyway me n claire r best friend always~cheers 2 our friendship~


PLz 4give 4 the inorganize position of de photo~ this blogger is makin me annoying~~but yet peak in... ** this is claire n me** ** this is me n joshua**isnt he's cool n .. HARD 2 name de pic plz sute erself...

**my lovelY DAyZ**

13/5/2006 SATURDAY my friend ALEX ...he went 2 A singing competition...he won nothing but he won us... friendship of us ... tat will stay enternity...we had a lot of fun bout me 1st...those ppl threw me in2 the water...n i get myself soaky wet...snap~!we cheer ALEX by using up wat we have.... ScReAmInG....... YellinG... jUmPiNG..... up n down in the water n wat i gte end up with whole body wet...we can be so supportive sometimes...BUT i found out it no longer sometimes but all de times...well lets make a list of the people whose been there...let me c... ME,LYDIA,CLAIRE,JOSHUA,TING FUNG,WAN HOI,ZHI TUNG,MING YAP,PATRICK,JACKSON,DENNIS,3 SARAWAKIAN,N OSO I THINK IS JOHN'S GF...oops~N THEN A FREND OF LYDIA...WHICH I CANT REMEMBER HER NAME N YET SHE'S KINDA CUTE...( LOOKS cutier then LyDia)P.S#i think lydai will kill me after this.... farewell my future...SAYONARA...HAHAi know she wont do tat cuz i'm cute...isnt it...haha...n alot more as well,during we waiting 4 t...

**mY sToRY**

I sing tat day... A SONG FOR XX...its about FRIEND...some of my frend bloom like HANA(flower "japanese"),some put on a POKER FACE...WHO... should i TRUST...YOU?but i still WISHING u the best...tat day u choose to FLY HIGH...u ask how do i fell or think...i hv NO WAY TO SAY...but i said DEPEND ON YOU...the day u leave from FAR AWAY...u gave me a SIGNAL tell me u r leaving...suddenly my hope turn into POWDER SNOW...unbelievable...BECAUSE OF YOU...this story had came to END ROLL...b4 u leave u gave me a TEDDY BEAR n a MEMORIAL ADDRESS...where u kept every MOMENTS tat belongs to OURSELVES...after whole things OVER...every year i went 2 "our" WONDERLAND jus 2 watch the HANABI(fireworks)...i even visit 2 our place when we first look through the KALEIDOSCOPE ....everthing seems like NEVERENDING even remind me the story of CATCHER IN THE LIGHT... and even the time i call u HONEY...whereas I AM...your DEAREST...which i think i'm BORN TO BE...i STARTIN 2 think...

***loNELy nigHTS***

afteR long time...i'Ve beeN waItiNG 4 Some1 2 light Up mY worlD........ but SadlY it alWays tUrns Up "RaiNY DaY"........ someTimes is fell like My lifes can'T live wiTHOut sad... oR sad ALways be My lifE.........i havE friendS...a lot lot lot Of fRienDS uncounTAble...Reli... but waT i want is AnoTHER lovE more IntiMAcy i presume... i'm nOt grEEDy jus somE1 alkways Be there 4 ME ...only ME...not others~~ i'm willing 2 do So... why my wish CAnt come True how many times...i've been wishing saME things all de timE... but no 1 knowS... keep on lookinG at others some of THem don hv eVen once... at leASt... better thEn notHIng.... i adMIT..... but tat doesnt mean i hv 2 share the same fate likE them... i'm jus lookinG , DreAmiNG 4 some1 4 me 2 lEAn on...missiNG...huG...kissiN... perhapS i jus THE perSon who DEstiny 2 live my lifes... in My dreamS?.................