MY freaky ICEcReaM-maniac frend--CLAire

well~~after a whole orientation week~my get knew with a bunch of new frienzzzzz...
THE MOST UNDESCIRBEABLE,WHY?cuz SHE likes 2 have ICE cream all de TIME,
brEAKFAST,lunCH,n even DINner~every meal must include a SIDE-dISH~~iCE CReaM
OMG~but she doEsn'T look fat~maybe her daily EXERCISE(talkin N dreAmin)wahha~~
it's CLAIRe~~~
well wat she looks like?HmM..............................................................................long HAIR
,small eyes(phoenix eyes)uack....hahah~sexy LIPS~
NEXT:her way of DREssiNG.....emm 2 casual not sexy enough~~~
but i like look at her EARS ~why?
cuz everday she will,HAVE a neW pair of earING keep on TURNing up~
like FASHION show~~~
she kinDA fierCE in er outlook (APPEarance),evenTHOGH she have THE granny look
SOMETIMEs~means fierce lah but she sTILL make me lauGH everyDAy cuz of HER clumsY
action~laugh at a SIDE suddenly~when i aSK "yea?"she will keep on laughing NON-sTOP
DON'T KNOW WATS WRONG WT heR~anyway~she can definetLY brinG meSomE laugh~my
priVATE enterTAINER~**so BAD**she always says tat~**wu liao**(nonsense)oso~
she is a banAnA can oni ablE say **wu liao** this oni in MANDArin~pittyfuL~
anyway~this WHOLE YEAr we will SpenDING time 2gETHER~~i know THERE is more about HER~n i'm reaDY 2 know her BEtter~

****************************friendSHIP 4EvER****************************************


theclaireychan said…
raymond u so damn wu liowwww lerrrr.... says who i can oni say tat word?? i can say many more.. i dowan to say eni maaa... :P damn mean laa u.. say i have granny face.. dowan fren u..

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