**whatever it is**

im still standing tall...

finally feel like writing a new post...
it has been a while... 

recently BULLETS ALL-STAR did a great show for Watsons New Launch in Mid Valley
i have always been dreaming to be able to perform in malls...GREAT MALLS...
due to C3 we perform in 1utama NOT BAD
now we have Mid Valley checked...

seriously you will never know what is awaiting you ahead...
but nevertheless you should have a plan on your own
at least you wont feel lost when everything quiet down

i felt like i've not been supportive to certain friends of mine recently
cause im quite bond to my cheer team
as if im revolting around it and i felt like i miss them oh so much 
when they are not around
whatever fun things came across my mind
i actually think of them

but than again i have many good friends and best friends around me
and they are still my priority
and i guess i'm all complete but just a lil more to make it perfect...
a job...
im scared...
why am i so afraid to face it...

what should i do now...
every time i have to ran into technical problem with my laptop and i have no idea
who to go to at times...
but what the heck

i think something went wrong in me...
i fall in love with someone...
and 1st time i never felt like having sex with him...just wanna be with him...

thats all

one of my friend came across my mind...
he did the same things too...
now im as weird as him now...

C3 announced that it will take place somewhere in june 23 & 24
do come and support if you are free...

when you are free many thing comes out from your head eventually!
anyhow shall get things done now... toodles



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