wahaha~during Chinese New Year jin(my sis)...Janice(friend)...Hubby...and me~ went for movie~ well~ went for 3 movies~ 1st one is all well end well 2009~ it's a great movie~its really funny to watch~ this is the very 1st movie i see that ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE CINEMA CLAPPING THERE HAND~ OH MY GOD!! including myself and my sis, janice and hubby~ 2nd would be INKHEART which i will give OKOK la~ not bad~ just a bit annoying that they are so stupid~ because it is very easy to be settle~ just look for the writer change a bit here and there~ then those evil can be gone~ SWT~ 3rd is underworld 3 which i kinda sick with it cause the blood is all over the screen~ the arrow shoot through people's head~ and huge arrow shoot the fugitive like MEAT ON THE SATAY STICK~ OH MY GOSH~ I FELT SO SICK HALF WAY THE MOVIE!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww basically still havent watch bedtime stories~SAD! haihz~ there is an incident happen when we watch UNDERWORLD 3 my sis and i bought food and beve...