**it is getting...

... darker**

question to myself apparently
no one could answer me

did i kill someone before? did i hurt someone so much that i deserve all these heartache

at one you seems so kind to me but the very next second those happiness just shattered before my eyes

i know it's wrong to love the wrong person and slowly im moving away
so to set things right
and i know it so well it is pointless to dwell with wrong people

however just allow me to do things at my pace to walk away...
you don't have slap that right at my face
to be honest..
do you know sometimes it is best to remain silent when you have nothing good to say...

because you dont know when you will hurt somebody
just because you thought you were doing the right thing

what's wrong for me to love? what did i do wrong?

just what i did i do to deserve all  these?

or i just suffer cause im not a girl... all the guy that i love always belong to  the other side of my world

this heartbroken and heartache when will it stop? when will it stop...

為你我受冷風吹 寂寞時候流眼淚
有人問我是與非 說是與非 可是誰又真的關心誰

若是愛已不可為 你明白說吧無所謂
不必給我安慰 何必怕我傷悲
就當我從此收起真情 誰也不給

我會試著放下往事 管它過去有多美
也會試著不去想起 你如何用愛將我包圍 那深情的滋味
但願我會就此放下往事 忘了過去有多美
不盼緣盡仍留慈悲 雖然我曾經這樣以為 我真的這樣認為

為你我受冷風吹 寂寞時候流眼淚
有人問我是與非 說是與非 可是誰又真的關心誰
關心誰 會關心誰 誰會關心誰


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