
Showing posts from March, 2014


i said i wanted to change i said i wanted to improve im not kidding i mean it when i said i wish you to see the different side of me when i said i wish to bring the best out of me for you to capture your eyes only to see me i know this could be silly (prolly very) but what the heck when it is  all i want to make sure that up next is i have no regret cause whatever happen to MH370 made me understand that someone could just perish like an on off switch and you can never bring it back regardless... it was never a choice or plotted plan by us... it was fated... even we try hard to fight to fight and keep on fighting...


every changes takes time and ultimately courage~ when one transformation done is like another lesson learnt~another job well done I've resigned from the current company...what is ahead is rather hard to foresee~ but i know it would be great if i start taking action as well believe in myself~ probably by end i would see myself holding a good result~at least this is how it is suppose to be done~


我喜欢简单,也向往简单的一切,可是我踏上的路啊。 却没有一刻的简单,反而复杂才是这路的味道。 我喜欢我的朋友都是可以如此简单,他们有些不再是昨天认识的他了。 因为他们都喜欢了男生,可能以前都被标签直男的他们,担心别人的看法。 我觉得朋友呀,你没有必须要隐瞒,爱你的人会给你最虔诚的开心和祝福啊~ 你是不可能为了别人的眼光而活吧? 因为你从以前到今天,都是如此坚强的踏步前进。 那么你应该不会害怕对吧? 我是如此相信着~ Yours Truly Raymond How much i wish this would reach your heart so you can believe that youre not alone~