
Showing posts from February, 2013

**core Value**

dinner with cousin and family was superbly fun... we never chat much and talk about how were they like behave when they were young back than... as we don't really care to know theirs childhood as a children cause we are living one... but when you've reach a young adult age... you already over with that and you're now looking back and start to wonder  about the adult back than, how well they live, how they actually behave... and came to realize they were once that pure and innocent but life put them into complication... as a family  they grew in poverty...despise by others once...and being though how to be a human where by you came to realize why the family has so much problem... to be exact either they been thought or they just dont bother to analyze their way of living and thinking should be... to me i have different understanding about the core value of a family... not just money that use to over run in my dad's generation... it change through time an...

**another Level of your...岁月`**

i've been posting all my blog in English most of the time today i plan to express it with mandarin... 上一年,虽说是自己的年份,可是却是我人生跌得蛮痛的一年吧 因为,短暂性的失业,当了半年的无业游民,颓废的生活让我怀疑了自己的能力。 在我24岁生日的那天,我被另一家公司凭请了。s.i design. 这间公司可是top 10之一,人生的黑暗期终于熬过了。随之的挑战,今天我也不想加以描述, 毕竟我真的熬过来了,我也开始相信我所能做的。 依然记得上年的新年,我是在犹豫,担心,战战兢兢下度过的。今年,我在岸上往回看,其实人生就是这样,有因有果,有好有坏。 在新的地方,我讨厌了, 喧闹的城市,杜塞的车龙,我泪崩。依然清晰记得我的泪,是怎样稀里哗啦得。 今天,我笑我的愚昧和不成熟。 今年,多了很多朋友,也失去了一些。我很贪心,我一个也不想少,我不喜欢我的东西被拿了。我也不想拿别人的,所以我很讨厌失去的痛。我害怕说再见,因为我不知道相聚何时的那天在哪里? 有朋友因病离世,我哭了也有几回,我对他的思念,今天我还是不忘他的笑声。 在新的公司,我遇到年纪和我相近的,很快我又有了很好的圈子。 认识人生另一阶段的朋友,因为是大公司,人来人往的速度,让我模糊了。 可是这几个让我疼惜,也会在日后怀念的。 鼻子,苏塔芳妮,仙蒂,文辉,史提芬林,肯林 聚餐于 二月六号 这班姐妹淘,永远都让我珍惜,让我爱! 聚餐于 二月四号 这班是我长大的同伴!请务必,陪伴我一起到老吧!  聚餐于 二月一号