**all the way**

people start questioning of me why having a blog when you don't upgrade regularly~


sorry guys~i am updating although the fact that i updating cores are slanting more towards facebook~

but hei~picture says it all~

well after 4 days of sequence show in 1utama~ it ends with ultimate team work for dismantlement and yet another great shows curtain call~

yet it's another journey's beginning~
holiday for 20 pax to langkawi~ WOW
4days3night of deluxe standard of vacation~

cost my fortune...but no regret...
star-ry star-ry night...windy windy days...and lotsa hot guys~ slurpssssss~

its nothing you can get back here in KL~

currently working at the choice~
the choice will be closing down in another 1 and a half month~
thus im there to help out for the last boost~
met great friends~and basically so far so good~

it's 817am now and i can't sleep~
watched despicable me 3D last night with hubby~

**it's so fluffy...im gonna die~**
**is this annoying? pok pok pok**


do whatever i can to kill some time~while he is sleeping~
PSP until battery is out~
play my phone until there is nothing left to play~
i went to check his phone~

again~i saw something~
this relationship is rotten!?
and i just can't face it~lies and scam~
breaking vows and promises~as i'm keeping mine he went and broke his~

how can i still stick with him?
actually i already know that there is a better alternative but every time
he has to come back and beg me for forgiveness?
how can i be so softy~letting him in is another suicide mission~
and yet i repeating it over and over again~

last time i can so sure that we can move on and advance together~
but at this point i felt the hope is lost~
how to repair a broken glass~
even if you mend it back to the way it was~
the crack still can bee seen~
the scar!!
will always be there~and we will always live with it~

if i leave~would it be any better?
ultimately do i have the courage?


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