
hell ya~
the most rushing project ever in life~
everything have to get done in within a short time~
and some more IT'S NOT EASY!!

but the FCA's manage to get through~
what can i say~
the strongest designer in the world~

well it's the end for this project~
i'm now here to give a lil gratitude to the one who helped me the most~

1st IVAN de Dude

thank you for assisting me finish my drawing~
axono and plan is hell-a-hell and because4 of you~
im in heaven again wakaka~

2nd my MOM

of course la~she pay all my material woh~
wakaka~and also make me honey when i stay up late~
love you mom~muacks muacks muacks~
although you are quite PERKY sometimes~

3rd is my hubby bb cha la~

he is such a dear~he dont disturb me AT ALL when im busying~
and also no msn with me~
so i can concentrate on my work~
most of the time i beh tahan myself and call him~

so hell ya!!!


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