**LAst minute shopping...must plan~**

**LAst minute shopping...must plan~**

ok...this is the first and last time for my last minute shopping....
i dont really like that because i like to do the slow mode shopping instead of fast forward type...
because for the very first time...i go shopping with an empty wallet...
and walk in to the shops just to pick out and spot and jot down what i want to buy...
plan nice nice when i walk in i must pick pick pick and run into the fitting room and then...
pass it to the sales and say: "WRAP it up for me~"
@bove are just my plan...la...but i think this is what will happen...only different might gonna be...With a fully loaded wallet wakakakakakakakakakaka

haihz...the show unit is very quite...except for my boss here...they are all ping ping bang bang...over those very annoying purchaser...this guy havent pay...loan had already approve...why haven't sign yet?...
offer letter blah blah...
pitty them as i couldn't do anything to help them...
because i'm clueless to those loan...progress payment...percentage....totally not in my UNDERSTANDING LIST....
starring at my colleague...haihz...feel so helpless...
count count count...print print print...
the calculator ... i can even hear it is screaming neh~

last friday i skip the dinner with the boss...
go sungei wang with my friends...
help them to buy clothes...
mix and match...
but they all wear those very chun clothes...i can't because
1st i'm not into that stream of fashion...
2nd i don't have that kind of look...
3rd very first time i go shopping with an empty wallet T_T

haihz....kesian neh~

we have dinner at the Gasonline cafe...we separated into 2 tables....guys a table....
gals a table...of course i go to the gals table as i'm half gal oso...
hahaha funny...
we have this "war of gender"...
nearly tare down the whole building...
we boo at them they boo at us...
they only have 1 camera then keep on shooting us...
then me and tze ling shoot them back with 2 cameras hahaha...
they all order expensive food...
but me and my girls all order smal small and nice one...
they all like hungry mobs...
i don't even want to look at their plates...
i should shoot the "after meal table" between ours and theirs

then we all take lift luo...to leave the building...
then eric and wilson do the pillar dance in the lift...hahahahhahaha....
imagine 15 people squeeze into a 16 passengers lift...
killing conjested man~

anyway next week wednesday i'm killing my own wallet hahahahahaha.....


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