day after day word after word i felt like the world is like a running stream resemble as our world and time and rains dropping on the surface that resemble us and moments.. Running Stream as the World ; Raindrops as the Human The world and time existed quietly way before human were born... it was so quiet that the universe is barely 'living' ... hence i think it was so lonely, human was created to adorn this world... creating hope and despair ... happy and sadness ... light and dark ... to allow us to see things in so many ways that we can never imagine... hence the endless world are now filled with some story to talk about... so mysteriously things work... Day was crowded with many people and activity ; Night is so quiet when everyone hides away Without human(rains) in the event, day or night(running stream) is quiet and flat... Running Stream as us (human life) ; Raindrops as the moment Following the footsteps of our running time, we wake up everyday go to work...