
Showing posts from April, 2014


notify that it's gonna be his birthday tomorrow... and i bet his partner gonna give him a celebration that's so out of this world... well at least i know he will be taken care by many of his friends... wishes from over the globe to reach his life and bless him with sweet and sincere love... and a partner to give him a surprise that no one can do so... "heart-beating" post on January refers to this person i met during Chinese new year... who had so many similarity,interest, family background and so on... We are both Taurus... We are both the only son in the family with 2 sisters...Mine is 2 younger sisters, he has 2 older sister... Parents are mine...stay opposite my house...SRI PETALING he is tall, strong sense of humor...everything i look for a person to love he has it all... he goes to club but straight club only. just like myself... his dating method is to go for movie,dinner etc. just like myself... we both love Chicken Breast meat...t...


i hardly post things about astrology but everything always has it first time right so well today 20th April onward shall be taken over by my very own horoscope Taurus this article below explain exactly how i react and my behavior as a Taurus~ 五、金牛座 4月20日-5月20日 金牛座,很会面对现实,说的都是实话。 而往往说实话是最伤人的,而对方也很清楚金牛说的话一点都不假。 比如对方问金牛爱不爱自己, 金牛会回答“有爱过!”“后来为什么没有爱?”“你真的想听吗?”…… 金牛的态度会让对方很清楚的知道在继续问下去只是拿刀往自己身上插而已。 请好好珍惜金牛对你的好当金牛对你好时会好得没有底 但如果你不懂得珍惜一次又一次的伤害金牛 总有一天你在他的心里就不再那么重要那时即使你挽回也没有用了 总有一些东西是变了每当你说出:”关你什么事?”时请想清楚 不然你下次找他的时候得到的回复可能是 “关我什么事?” 牛牛再怎么伤心,难过,他也会笑,没有人看得出是真是假,只有自己知道! 牛牛可以安慰别人,保护别人,但是却用不到自己身上,固执的伤害自己, 牛牛的发泄方式都是对自己的,他不会发泄到别人身上。 他矛盾,他固执,他善良,其实苦的都是自己! 【1】金牛不是完美的,但是金牛是愿意越来越完美的星座 【2】金牛的固执很难克服,但是并不是说你要改变什么,而是以后在要做这些事情之前好好的想象能不能这样做,做了之后又什么后果 【3】金牛,你要学会保护自己,金牛确实很笨,特别是在爱情里面,所以你一定要好好的保护自己。 金牛座是一个表面神秘到难以琢磨,说穿了却又很简单的星座。 他们确实有超凡脱俗的一面。 他们的内心接近了神,可是身在这个世界,不能不食人间烟火吧, 所以必须得戴着一个面具活在这个世界上。 金牛座喜欢和人说些暧昧的话, 但对心仪的对象却不好意思表白, 害怕话出口的瞬间一切美好都烟消云散!...