
Showing posts from April, 2011

**somewhere only we know**

as glee season kicks in~more and more inspiring this sitcom gets... every single episode always make me go into consideration about my life... about many many things... the above song sang by Kurt's beloved Blaine... when Kurt transfer back to McKinley High... he sang this song to Kurt...showing Kurt how much he will miss him... it sucks cause just last episode they get attach... the next thing you know Kurt switch back to McKinley High... everything happens too fast... makes me kinda like sitting in a roller coaster... 1 second here next second there... still i love this show... today i manage to close a deal...the 1st closing for this month... which is 1st of May...well after 1 month without and closing... this kinda boost me up a lil... see whats next...


recent glee series is still awesome as it is...though song selection wasn't my favorite... but the inspiring talk from Holly Holiday(Gwyneth Paltrow)... she says when you hate someone due to your own jealousy, and makes you attack that person... it's plain hurt that particular person just to make yourself feel better? it's not fair for the person who work hard... and she even mention that in this world that fully ruling by technology, using internet to commit an insult wouldn't cause you physical damage in return in other words get BEATEN UP.... but the person you pick on would definitely suffer from your own selfishness.... as always the show keeps inspiring people to think why we are who we are now... we are the reason why who we are... when you are somebody your job is to be that somebody... DO IT! EMBRACE IT! not to be a coward by hiding yourself back into the shells... and tell people you are proud~ of who you are... hmph~ satisfaction~im not satisfy ...

**why leh?**

Claire oh claire~what sorta things come into your head at such late night~ hmmm i wonder too~

**dying no more**

recently addicted to Nicole Scherzinger's new song call "Killer Love"... love the lyrics, and the beat nevertheless... recently life is rather monotone~ other than my new joined activity... Monday and Thursday is like the highlight of my whole entire week... these people are still new to me...and im still new to them but they are friendly... what sort a activity i joined? when i finally get my place in the group and get to perform i will let you know for sure~ okay? i never tells anything before success... cause i know exactly the meaning of action speaks louder than words... oooo~went clubbing last week~met alot of new people~ awesome kan~needa do more socializing to increase personal charms~ WAHSEH~ plastic surgery mahnnn~ also watched KURMA the stand up comedian~damn funny wei~ watch this!

**not knowing...**

自己长大的家园 自己一路走来的风景 不退色 但却多了几分不解的沧桑 回忆起母亲说过小时后的趣事 在夕阳下我的步伐陪我回忆着 这些时时让我牵挂的一切 自己不敢走的第一步 是你牵着我走 不可忘却你的疲态 不小心从压仰中流入 当时我无知的眼里 依然可以从今天的心 掏出父亲那是的表情 这些时时让我牵挂的一切 自己的兄妹 一直都走在同一道路上 长大的眼泪 成长的笑颜 回忆是有苦有甜 这就是一家人的人生 这些都是时时让我牵挂的一切 走进自己长大的校园中 那棵树 那大门依然保留那无懈可击的严肃 那时的自己 是怎样走到了今天 一味的回想起自己的好与坏 庆幸自己的同伴都是天使的化身 直到今天的自己置身于现实的逆流 我还有爱的人牵着我 不离不弃 守护彼此 到最后的那一口气

**i'm getting IT**

MY NEW HAIR STYLE~i hope can come out right la~