**wind in the air**

my first post in Feb~

it has been a while 

yesterday is really a long time sweet from the very last time i felt warmth from another person
most important of all it's something i cherish for sometimes...

we (bullets) went roller blade last night at Subang Avenue...
that's literally a dead mall cause really isnt much over there but they have quite roller blading spot there if you ask me~Disco Roller Blading is something new haha especially for noob like me...

1st thing 1st

i heard a lot of people saying that how not fair the world has gone
as all the cute handsome guys mostly 80 percent is gay
but straight guys rarely looks hotter than them

well true cause we know how to dress to impress behave to impress

but than again eventhough thats whats going on but eventually all those honest kind responsible guys stay over there where you can blossom to a happy ending with

that's why i felt way secure hang out with the straight guys at time as there is no comparison between me and them and i have to compare to many in my kind that's why i hate going to gay club at times not only i felt timid but at the same time dont like the feeling where you have to behave and act up all~

i will always crush for straight guys cause they have more sense of humor and treat you better than the other side as they have hidden agenda behind every shits

curse me cause im a bloody hell a woman spirit trap in a dudes body~

maybe this is something stupid to rant about but all i can say im jealous that im not that person that will be able to blossom to a happy ending with...

at least till than i would enjoy this moment somehow...

he wore the shirt i gave him and looks good on him~he is skinny but have tone arms and Y shape figure that sleeve-less show off his arm so nice (hehe)

it was my first time in roller blade
after i wore my shoes he came over and help me grab my hand and he teach me 

he asked me to stand straight while he slide~i hold to his hand tight and i look at him leading me that sudden i felt nothing is sweeter than that and i blushed and im like those lil girl heart beating like dont know whose business like that  >.<

even the air taste sweet 

i can some how imprint that image in my head and i think i will draw a pic somehow~

after that we went to yamcha suddenly he said he call me pohpoh needa bring across the street haha he hold my hand again~i know we are just playing but dumbo like him sure dunno what it means to me~

haha~since relationships is not prior for me now...

just keep it this way until than?


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