**a thousand years**

"I have died everyday waiting for you  
Darlin' don't be afraid I have loved you for a Thousand years
 I'll love you for a Thousand more"

the very 1st time i heard this song i was not amaze or attracted to it
but as time goes by i kept listening to it somehow i fall in love with it
more and more
especially after that day...

feeling can grow stronger when you been trough something even life 
you will learn something after encounter the worst


trust me im stranded in this very moment

trap in a situation where i felt the window and door is seal shut 
and the space is drown by problem and i cant find a way out

again i have to scream for help

my prayer and scream and yell or whatsoever

Sunday night i killed my liver with Chivas Regael , Martell cognac and some other shit

i totally drink drank drunk and guess what im not as saint as before when i was up in GENTING
remember exactly what happened

though there are pieces of memories and i tried to gather it and i get a few picture of it


when you are drunk you tend to be bold and i like drunk at times i can be bold and act up like a brad~a spoil brad as i can hardly have do so

i hugged him and im all over him kissing his scent~
i guess he is drunk too as he didn't push me away *evil smirk*
ya i think we hold hands too~
and i dance with hot JOLENE and HANNAH 
i guess the guys must be damn upset~
what can i do we are hot girls~
we meant to dance together~


*come back*

but i really like that scent~
so warm and secure like that fella that i like for a long long time~

why i always crush on a younger person~

to be exact i think its because he is mature and have a huge sense of humor at time
when you need some light up~

haha~what can i say? 

i easily fall in love for no good reason


since im single just do whatever shit la~ *EVIL LAUGHTER FILLED THE WORLD*

i missed him much and i dreamt about him two times already within 3 days time
talk about disturbing???

you tell me than~ 

Lyrics~a Thousand year Sing by Christina Perri

Lyrics | Christina Perri lyrics - A Thousand Years lyrics


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