SIBU ** day 5 the trip of green and food **

SIBU ** day 5 the trip of green and food **

day 5 its the almost the last day for us to stay in Sibu, so today we planned to buy , eat and see...for the whole day...basically we are not stopping at any cost...

in the morning, we went for breakfast at a restaurant name "yum yum"

the food is delicious not to mention, i love their "chap kueh" its like a kueyteow soup somehow its not kuey teow cause its nicely cut in square and the soup is almost like bak kut teh~ i love that so much then then due to we are eating all de way, so we just share and taste the food only~ we ordered chap kueh, laksa, and fried kam puah i guess ... not much just to have a taste of de food^^

then we went for shopping, we went into a grocery store where they sell a lot of foreign food and beverages in a very very cheap price...esprit flavoured drink, it cost like 7-8 rinngir here but there only sell rm4.35 over there omg cheap gila edi...then the Pierre water here sell almost rm12 per bottle and hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is only rm6 for the big bottle and small only rm4.35!!! it's like what the heck?????soft drink is unbelivablely cheap, and not to mention they are from other country!! the can is nice~not to mention they can hardly find in KL...if you found its amazingly high de price...

after that we head back to the temple, tua pek kong temple...some of us went to prat and some of them shooting picture, then we went up to the tower and shoot the picture... the view is incredible...can see the whole river not top to toe la but bigger then we see from the ground...we snap alot of picture then can be used for 2009 chinese new yea^^ ahaha so the selected one will have to keep untill 2009 then only show^^ wakaka...then we head to a few more place, basically is garden, the lake garden etc, then we found a school with a name like this :天真小学
that means naive in english.. what? imagine Sekolah Rendah Naive...,
oh god!!! what the heck thats like lol of the year wei~anyhow...

then we went to have lunch but i cant recall where...then we went to alot more place, then we stop at a mall, call medan mall...oh god if you look at the mall its not a mall!! it's just like a pasar raya aje~oh god oh god~
no shops, notthing to buy or much to see...its a no fun place!!!! what in the world~ then anyhow the objective we stop there is their's toilet...hahaha
there comes my missery!! i went in the last and i have to pay 20 cents to entry and being questioned wheather im a boy or a girl!!! what the FXXK!!!!!!! hello my hair is longbut not that long untill like a girl k!! memang sakai la that woman~smack her with my bag~and make her die in terrible horrible vegetable pain!!!! what the ....

then stupid john make fun out of it the whole day!!smack him with tze ling's socks!!! then we realize that today is actually mother's day, so we decided to buy the roses and a box of ferrero choc as a gift and as token of appreciation...

the very 1st to receive is ing hou's mother, cause that bight we were having dinner with them...
2nd is Chiong Hoon's mother, they were surprise and so...
3rd is Wilson's mother, we just stop by and gave her the present and then we head to the final house~ John's mother there we stop by for quite a long time and then! we took a lot a lots of african longan...the name is like that la~hoho^^especially ah ma^^ that night is the last night i saw john's lil puppy which i like so muc so much cause its like a panda so cute and cuttling^^ miss him neh~~~~
hoho that night everyone "migrate" to john's 3rd brother house as a last night gathering^^ that night we transfer all de picture to jack jack's hardware and guess what all of our photo put together make 5GB~ imagine how we snap our photo??
haha out of control is the best way to describe?? hehe


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