**a Harsh week**

**a Harsh week**

was this week a nightmare for all the design students?
was group project meant to be a disaster or a treat to friendships?
though myself can manage things and make it run like the way i want...
somehow the situation seems to gone out of my hand~
we have 2 group project and same due date...
basically its more then just harsh for us...
2 group of work and different grouping seems to tare us apart...
a lot of problem will happen if you cannot manage both equally~
basically i have more then just 2 task to do...
found out that as a class rep...
it can never be easy...
but being a class rep is not going to stop me or making burden to me...
although its a bit sick when people keep bringing you problem instead of
bringing in solutions...

for all the ammature:

after college you go out to work...
people hired you is because they want you to solve their mother fucking problem...
solve the company problem~
solve his problem that he or she dont have time to face...
so you are here for the sake of settle the problem...
and if you dont the whole company might get into deep shit due to you think:
"as a boss also cannot deal the problem and you aspects your follower do it so?"
this is part of your job~
help your boss as in help your own butts too..
boss are to lead and encounter~
staff are to assist leader encounter instead of push er boss to the hell~
if you have this spirits with you...
no problem for you to get a higher post~
a ethic working ethic that everyone should have~

being a leader is to full use the man power he or she has in hand~
not full use is use them wisely~
somehow...i did a very wrong thing~
i do much of a full use instead of wise use~
so i feel so sorry for the things and the way i;m doing it~
my very 1st thoughts in mind~

"its a group project i should not risk it at all...so i should based on the capability and the specialty they have in hand and arrange the task evenly"

~somehow i manage to give the workaccording to their specialty...
but somehow...not evenly~
but at the end...project come out nice and complete...
its just the statue of pure friendship...
seems to be tinted...
a bit scar and scratches...
i asked myself what have i did wrong...
and i realize my mistakes...

and i accepeted the facts that i am wrong...
and i think apologize is needed...
so i gave my sincere apologize to my friends...
out of the blue~
the friend that i am so close to her said behind my back that i am giving reasons...
looking for reason...making up reason...making execuses on my mistake...
even i gave my apologize...
she took this project way serious then i thought untill friendship can be negelected...
i know everyone want to score high marks...and so am i...
but the fact is wheather we get it anot...
it's like win together lose together we are team mates...
of course we cant afford to lose this...
but the project come out just nice...
everyone is ok...but she cant let go...
i dont know what she want...

she have problems join in the group work...
like it or not...
thats the fact~
you have this very tesnsion emotion doesnt mean everyone have to be like you...
and 7 other people fit in to your world and so on~
if you cant blend in go and do er own thing~
if she cant accept the dofference among human~
face it girl friend this is the WORLD~
not only YOU we are talking about~

being a leader in college is different in secondary or primary...
when you are back then~
position does help make your words sound strong and get you absolute obey~

in college when everyone start to reach 20 / 21 ++
no longer a kids and listen to your command...
we cant do sth like
"i'm the leader the big boss...so u must listen to every shit i'm telling you"
if you still using this way to deal with your friends...
people fuck you off already...

earth to those people~we are adults already...
just do it with the adults way instead...shall we?
oh god~
just in case you dont know...
only reasonable and expalantion people will only listen~
they resepects you if you tell them the problem in a nice way~
if you yelled at them with a tone~
where can you gain your respect? when people hated you like no tomorrow~

its not worth to lose a friend just because of one project~
for me...
it odesnt worth it at all...
you used time to gain a friendship...
but you lose it just in a second~
please consider...
which 1 is more important~


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