**every unforgeTTAble moments**

yan hui...johnathan...claire...me...mei yean...shamillar
after the whole week...spending so called "quality time" vt the new came in junior...
besides of making lantern it reminds me a lot of un4gettable moments in my life...
officially i became 18 years old...this year MAy 6...my life begin vt another new pages...i start my new life here...now...my group made a lantern but it aint look like wats in my head...anyway all of our hardworks do pay of...although we didnt win a thing...but we won true friendships...especially me...i own a friendship brand new relationship vt my junior...n oso from my old frend --CLAIRE...she is a great person vt a wonderful personalities...she helps out a lot so is my junior but she helps a lot...
honestly i prefer werking vt her rather than the others cuz i know her 2 well...n so is she 2 me...maybe not tat well n yet well...(*do u get what am i try 2 say?)..haha...
my group member...ME...CLAIRE...MEI YEAN...YAN HUI... JOHNATHAN...SHAMILLAR...begin vt yan hui...they r all juniors....
talk bout major humilliation ... though we can actually "bully" the juniors but thing happen the other way round...we've been bullied by the juniors...SOB....
especially tat medling yan hui...i wanna strengle him ...ISH!!!!!!anyway he sadi this 2 me tat day (FRIDAY) the last day of orientation ...
***sHake hands moments....***

RAY : nc werking vt u jonathan...
JOHNathan: nc werking vt u too...

RAY : nc werking vt u shamillar...
SHAMillar : nc werking vt u too...

RAY : nc werking vt u yan hui...
YAN hui: nc to werking vt u as well...n i'm glad tat i hv u in our group...

i was having a moment blank...but "reconnected" back in time...
anyway THANK you...


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